Crown & Bridges Removable Partial Dentures Complete Dentures
  This is the most economic and most traditional method of tooth replacement. Dentures are removable objects that simulate the look and function of the tooth and its surrounding tissue. Most dentures are constructed with acrylic resins along with some composite materials. However patient can chose from a variety of options:  
  • Traditional plastic denture

  • Traditional plastic denture with a metal framework to make the denture strong, light and of course biocompatible.

  • Flexible denture(valplast)

  • Flexible denture(valplast) combined with metal framework
  Dentures can also be fixed now by use of dental implants.

There are two major types of dentures. The full denture replaces an entire jaw's dentition, while a partial denture only replaces multiple or single teeth where there are still healthy teeth present. A partial denture also serves as a spacer to prevent the living teeth from shifting position.

Most patients of full dentures are in their later years and have lost most of their teeth. Patients of partial dentures are usually people who have lost a tooth to gum disease or injury. All patients receiving dentures find that their chewing improves, their oral hygiene becomes easier, and their speech clears up. On the outside, a denture can drastically improve your smile.

Dentures are specifically made for each patient's unique anatomy. Initially they will feel awkward, no matter how well they may fit you. The fact remains that it is not a living part of your mouth and it will feel foreign to you. However, after a short period of adjustment most people don't even notice that they're wearing the dentures anymore.

Regular checkups with your dentist are encouraged in order to track changing conditions in your mouth. Should your teeth shift or your bones change shape with time, you'll need a new set. Dentures have been around for a long time and are a proven way to replace lost teeth. If you require dentures please contact a dentist for a consultation.
Dental Implants
Oral Screening
Dental Imaging & Radiology
Dental Extraction
Maxillofacial Surgery
Dental Prosthesis
Dental Sealants
Child Dental Care
Gum Treatment & Gum Care
Minimally Invasive Fillings
Root Canal Treatment
Preventive Dentistry
Cosmetic Dental Treatment
Tooth Whitening