X rays Intra Oral Camera RVG(Radio Visio therapy)

Digital Technology

  Intraoral-Digital Cameras :  

The term x-ray is actually referring to the radiation that is used to make the image on the film. The radiograph or picture on the film is the resultant picture that we see. A radiograph is an extremely important diagnostic tool. These pictures show the dental professional many things that are not visible by just looking in the mouth. Therefore, radiographs are an essential part of a thorough and complete examination. In order to do a proper checkup, it is important that radiographs are used to help with the visual exam. Without the proper use of both, an inferior examination and inferior treatment will result.

  • An image that speaks a thousand words. By offering your patient the opportunity to see what you are seeing, he will immediately understand the necessity of the treatment. There will no longer be any need to convince him.
  • By showing the area to be treated, you will be able to keep your patient informed and involved in oral health matters. The patient is no longer only "subjected" to treatment. He understands what you are doing and why you are doing it.
  • Through improved and more frequent communication, you will form a confident and close relationship with your patients.
  • patient is always reluctant to pay for what he cannot see. If he is not suffering, he will not feel the need for the treatment.
  • Create a surprise effect: the intra-oral camera adds an amusing and new aspect to the treatment session.
  • Motivation for all types of treatment (prophylaxis, restoration, esthetics).
  Develop Loyalty
  • Development of patient loyalty: patients who are more confident and motivated by the continuation of treatment will return to the dentist more often.
  • Valorization of the practice image.
  • Studies done in the United States1 have shown that income from cosmetic and prosthetic treatments increases by 35 to 40% in practices which use an intra-oral camera.
Dental Implants
Oral Screening
Dental Imaging & Radiology
Dental Extraction
Maxillofacial Surgery
Dental Prosthesis
Dental Sealants
Child Dental Care
Gum Treatment & Gum Care
Minimally Invasive Fillings
Root Canal Treatment
Preventive Dentistry
Cosmetic Dental Treatment
Tooth Whitening